First of all, let me introduce you to the community area. This is a good place because it was built first of all, the whites can do it. This is the D area where you can sit. The public area is here; you can buy it at any time, and that is in the front.
Room Tour
Ok, now let’s visit my room. Welcome to my room. It is opened from the tag, and it is also opened from the mobile application. That is a good thing. My start room is this bell; this button remains mine. Along with it, the umbrella has come down, and if it rains, then I pick it up from here and go away. To see my beauty, education, and also this vacuum is here instead of shoes. There is a big garden right here for the cleaner to clean the room. Here some clothes are hanging, and here comes our time board. By the way, all these things, including the bed board and this apartment, were full HD.
We had it for the students, where your brother rests instead of the clothes drying stand. Here what you see is my normal to-do list, but there is something in it these days. I was actually very rich, so I have also written some quotes, which I have to fit in the last part of my mind. I write them and keep them here.
After that comes our kitchen. This is Kim’s studio, so everything is different. Here the kitchen, this studio, is nice for one person. This is our kitchen. Whatever is on the stove is electric, and along with it, you can set a timer for 15 minutes. I often use it to beat the eggs, and today it is clean; otherwise, it is not that clean. Here instead of keeping things, this is only our microwave. Food gets heated in 3 minutes; very nice. Here we also have utensils lying around, and I cook food. This is the place where the utensils are kept.
Here I prepared biryani, vegetables, and curd. This multivitamin is enough for one person. There is also a freezer where samosas and meat are kept. Next comes this fan; I had also bought it because it was summer. This is a guest; after that, for the birthday, we keep it somewhere in cold storage. This is going to become a king; winter is going to come very soon. If I go, this comes to us: a table, a place that I like a lot.
I have a diary, which I don’t write to show you; I do write it down sometimes, and this old phone comes to us. After this, it is doing full left out, and it has its gimbal. This is this important thing: OK Google, what’s my name? I set a time of 20 minutes, and after 20 minutes, it remembers all the songs. So this is a nice thing.
There are very few people coming on the road, so who remains? The one who is with me on Snapchat often keeps looking at the road. You should be transparent with who is with you; you will also be safe from Mehram.
Hey Han, you are very well. I am the last one; I will show you the washroom also. Your brother is looking so cute; what do you think?
Here we have a place to buy rice, go inside, and rice is not available. The washroom is also for one person—a solo studio apartment. Its rent is total: electricity, gas, everything. You do not have to pay any extra. It is small but has a reasonable price, especially in Berlin. Here it is famous that you do not give anything to the apartment. Rather the apartment does things to you.
Then you get 8 years great. So please like this blog and subscribe to this channel. Bye! In the next blog, you will have to clean it.