Self sponsor for Italy student visa 2024 | Requirements | Updates

So, in today’s blog, we will discuss a little bit about self-sponsorship. Can you be a self-sponsor? If you can, then what documents are required, and what is the justification? You can give proof in it.


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As for whether it is really possible to self-sponsor for an Italian student visa, the answer is absolutely yes. From the name itself, you can know that this sponsorship is self; you are sponsoring yourself. I have personally seen many such cases and know people who self-sponsored last year. My friends were self-sponsored, and their visa has been applied, so there is absolutely truth in the fact that you can self-sponsor. Mostly, it happens that people recommend that you are a self-sponsor. What happens is that your case becomes stronger by a little bit.

Now, don’t ask how the case becomes stronger or how I know. This comes to light only when people get a ratio of the number of visas they get. A ratio is formed beyond that. It is seen that on what basis more visas were granted last year compared to the year before that. What is seen is that there is a good amount of self-sponsored students; it is a good ratio for those who have self-sponsored visas. That is why it is said that this is a recommendation.

Requirements for Self-Sponsorship

What do we need? I want to sponsor myself for the Italian student visa. I have to have the required amount in my bank account. I showed you a file while preparing last year’s visa file, and it was written on one page of it that it was a PDF file and it had 6,100 Euros on it. If we talk in PKR, then you just call it 25 lakhs.

Now, whether it is 25 lakhs or 30 lakhs, I say that to be on the safe side, keep a little more amount as it increases your chances of getting a visa. So, for example, you need 25 lakhs, and that 25 lakhs should also be in your account. I am a self-sponsor; there should be 25 lakhs in my account, and in the bank statement of that 25 lakhs, I will show that there are 25 lakhs in my account, and transactions have been happening.

You have to justify that this money is there. Where did the money come from? I am obviously self-employed. If there is money, it has to come from somewhere. My salary is around Rs. 1 lakh per month, but it’s fine. I also have savings and have made money from it.

Okay, so I will show the bank statement of 6 months, and along with it, I will show my salary slip in the document. I will show my job letter and attach the salary slip of six months in it. This shows that I work, and this is my monthly salary. By saving from my salary, I can make this much money.

Then your job letter comes; it mentions that this person is working in our company. I work in a bank, so I can get it removed from there. I assume that when you start a job, you get an offer letter asking you to join further, so you can attach it in it. There is also a contract given by most companies that state your time period has started from today onwards.

If you attach all these documents along with the visa file, keep in mind that if you are sponsoring yourself, then you should also be a filer. It is not that if someone else is sponsoring you, then just that person will be a filer. If you are a self-sponsor, then you too will be a filer.

Tax Requirements

Now, what is the meaning of filer? You should be a taxpayer. If you are not a taxpayer, then it is not a difficult thing. If you are in Karachi, Pakistan, then you can register with someone outside the DC office. You can get your tax returns submitted by sitting here or by talking to any advocate. It costs Rs. 56,000. You can submit your tax returns and along with that, you can also get the tax returns of the last two years.

Now, don’t say, “If I become a taxpayer now, then how will my last year’s tax returns be prepared?” If you become a filer, your tax returns will also be prepared.

The visa file is prepared, the documents are prepared, and then the bank statement is yours. Another question that comes to my mind is that people ask about the requirement of the bank statement being 6,100 Euros, and our master’s degree is 2 years. So does that mean we will have to show 122 Euros in the bank account or in the statement? It is not at all like this. When you submit the visa file, then there should be 6,100 in your account, that is, it should be more than this; there is no such limit.

Whether you are depositing the money for 2 years or 3 years, there should be only this much amount of money. So if we talk about the documents, I have already told you what the major documents required are. Let me repeat it again in a sequence according to my notes.

First of all, you need to submit the tax returns of the last two years. After that, you will need the salary slip of the place where you work. After that, there is your job contract, and then there is your bank statement. I have told you how much money will be required from the bank statement, and that bank statement is your amount; it should be justified.

Now, how is it justified? It is justified by your tax return or from your salary slip. After that comes your cover letter. Just like in the cover letter, if you are another sponsor, you mention that these are my documents; I have attached these in this.

So you attach all the things in it and mention the details in it. In my cover letter, I had mentioned that I have been admitted here, I live here, and I have been admitted here.

So along with my sponsors, one is a bank statement, and the other sponsor does this. I have to study thoroughly, and after studying, I have to come back and serve my country. If you mention this, then when you write your cover letter, you will write all your details in it: where did you get your money from, and what do you do. Then you will mention all these things in it and simply go to file and submit it.

With all these documents, your visa file should be ready. If you go, you have two things: one is your visa file, and the other is your declaration of value (DV). If you remove the DV, then your Cemia will be done.

On one side, you have your Cemia; on the other side, you have your visa documents. You have both the visa document and Cemia. Attach it along with you and go to the consulate or Islamabad MSC on the date of your appointment and submit it.


The ticket is done, accommodation is done, and your pre-enrollment is done. The only purpose was to make you understand self-sponsorship. If you self-sponsor, you have arranged 30 lakhs from somewhere, but if you are not a taxpayer yet, you are not a filer, then you want to justify that amount.

How should we justify it, or if your salary is 60,000 or 50,000, then what to do? I am just telling you for help. This thing is not difficult or cannot be done; this is absolutely possible.

You should not be disheartened; do not give in now. Try a little and see. It is said that God is found only by searching. If you are applying from Pakistan and you are in Karachi, you will find some Jugaad everywhere, so do not lose heart.

Things happen; you just have to see where you can find the path or make a little path for yourself. The rest is good luck for you. I hope you liked the blog, and you will learn many things. If you do not understand anything or want to ask something, the comment section is open, so you can ask there.

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