Is it Hard to Study in Germany Than Pakistan

First, let’s compare what is the difference between the education in Pakistan and the education here. Although some things are common, often the common thing is that there are teachers there too, here too there are teachers. Here too there is a classroom; here too the classroom is different from everything. There is a little difference in the method.

Exam Methodology

What happens there is that we memorize everything and then go and give the exam. The exam is a shame. Wherever I have seen in Pakistan, the exam is a shame; we have to go and give what we have memorized. If you have to go and write, there it is more like a memory test and the rest of the scale or concept is left a little behind.

Cheating and Conceptual Learning

But here I have seen that you have also seen that he was making a cheat sheet. What is inside the cheat sheet? You have to write all that down and take it; it is not a spice. Teachers don’t even check, it means take it. But if you have to bring a conceptual paper there, then often it doesn’t help from there. Sometimes it happens that a definition is also given which is important to remember.

Now what is the point of cheating here? If you print these formulas and 15 sheets and bring them, then what is the use of it? The effort we have to put in memorizing those 15 pages of formulas is conceptual. Let’s focus on the thing that if we forget those 15 formulas, then the question is over.

That is, if you are coding on the internet, you are doing anything; formulas are there. You just need to Google them. Bring the formula and reduce yours.

Basic Differences

Then one thing you can take with you is the basic difference. Cheating is also allowed, so if there is no cramming, then it is a very good thing. What to put in order means one thing is available on the internet when the net is always available for us, so we can see the formula, equation, or anything from there.

Attendance Policies

If we talk about another difference, then it comes in terms of attendance in Pakistan. 75% to 85% attendance is needed. You come and sit in the class at 8 AM; get up at 00 and come here at 8:00. There is a lecture at 8:00; there is no such scene here.

It happens in almost all the classes that your attendance is optional. You go, don’t go, ride for one year; you need to pass the exam. Or unit, you do a project; you do present, whatever is there in the subject. This is like good, and it also means that you do not know the time. That is, do not go and take lecture at 8:00 in the morning. If you have passed the exam, then what is there to pass the exam? You need the concept.

Flexibility in Learning

Go to YouTube; this time of YouTube is more creative class because it will be that at the time you sit, you sit to study. YouTube is here at 8:00. We go for class attendance at 12:00.

So this date is also a good point; attendance is not required here.

Grading System

Well, one more difference; the grading here is divided. It is not just that you have to give the exam. Maybe it is the exam. In some subjects, there may be only presentation in some and it also happens. Often it happens that it is only a project, which means you need to complete the project and go and give the presentation. All your thoughts will count 100%.

Sometimes anything depends on the date, but what happens in Pakistan is that you go to all the exams, memorizing the same and writing the same and within the same time. Whatever performance you have to give, you have to give it within two or three hours, and there it is often the same.

If there are less writers, then the creativity or the project building is left behind. Then the good thing here is that you just do the project and it ends with some attendance. By doing that project, you can get great marks. You will do it to learn.

CGPA and Exams

Why am I ever chasing CGPA? I have a lot of marks in Bachelor’s; I mean here, I do the exam to pass. It is not mandatory, the way it is there. You have to pass in every situation. Whether giving an exam is 50% or it is also midterm. Here I have not seen midterm.

I have seen such in my university; I don’t know, maybe it happens, but it does not happen. In our place, it is not there, so there is no midterm either. And secondly, this exam is not mandatory. Maybe you have a project which is 100% complete; you have to do the same and that’s all.

There is no exam, no assignment; you do the project and you learn from it. Based on that, if you get credit, then it is a good thing. You do not need to memorize etc. You do practical and submit that practical project.

Teacher-Student Relationship

One more important thing; here I have seen teachers and students within their limits. Students also take care of this, and the teachers also do not abuse the power. Everyone is responsible. I have seen teachers like it, and they are giving very long feedback. They gave me three pages of feedback on a project, and I did not.

How did you write about the kite lying teacher? They care about it, and there is a lot of that. They are also responsive; they even reply through emails, etc. So this is a good thing.

Their teachers often have startups in our university. So what often happens is that there are startups, that means almost every teacher is running his own system. Have you built a software house or have you built something related to data science?

Then let us also see which has some potential, and among the students, we even hire them in our company, and they are good at their software.

Flexibility in Exams

After this, we talk about flexibility. This view of flexibility is that you can spread one subject three times, maximum three times; then it is a good thing. If it doesn’t happen the first time, it will happen the second time. If it doesn’t happen the second time, it will happen the third time. And even if it doesn’t happen, something can still be done in special cases.

This is not just three attempts. This is actually September 6th. Times means that in every semester, when there is an exam for any subject, it has two dates. The first one means at the end of the semester; if you want, you can participate in it or else in the next month. After two semester breaks, there is one time again; you can do that too.

Firstly if there is time spread, then it will not count. Secondly, if you pass us, then it is alright. In the same way, every time again when you take it, then still two. If there are two times, then this is nice when you have time because you can also look at part-time jobs and there are other less about it too, only if you are not engaged in studies.

Then flexibility, I really like date; there is also talk of cheating. Make sure that it is cheating or else it is cheating. I have not seen cheating. I feel like doing it a lot, but in reality, only that age will not cheat; Pakistanis will also cheat.


After all the sound, there are cheat sheets, so you are searching from there, which is not there yet. Then I have counted the advantages of Germany in every case; Pakistan is behind and Germany and the disadvantages I know are also below.

Please comment if you are studying here; then some things will be good in Aldo Pakistan also.

And secondly, you talk about whether it is easy or difficult. Well, it depends, but according to my opinion, it is easier to study here.

How is it easy? You have flexibility. Firstly, this one and a half year is a very good thing. Like don’t give the first time. After two months, something or the other will happen.

There are party people and time will come. So firstly, it is a very good option with flexibility. Secondly, that part of the exam is about getting 100% A in the exam, but that part is less here because you can do a project, and you have to do a presentation.

Often that part is more, and the learning part means you are not realistic. Often it means that if someone is online, then what happens is that there is unlimited time. Start it and then submit it whenever you want as long as there is a deadline.

Now this means that we learn instead of that. If that person disappears within 10 minutes, what happened? When someone drove, the number went to zero. Did they teach? Did they not teach anything?

But if the same deadline is extended, they do not do all the minutes in 2 hours and 3 minutes. As long as you want, then what happens to us? If we do anything from the internet, then one or two numbers are basic. Whatever numbers come, it is a matter of learning more than numbers.

So we are trying to complete it and submit it. If we learn it in the meantime, then it is a good thing.

Good flexibility has also been achieved, and it is available in the English language only. However, in German, if someone has done a Master’s, then the whole thing will be difficult. Even in Bachelor, if he has not done Student and Collegiate, then I think it will.

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