In today’s blog, we will talk about the universities which are related to Computer Science or IT. You will also get the list of universities, all their requirements, CGPA exams, and their direct link. You will get everything in this blog. You can download it at the end, but to understand that list, I am present to explain it to you because it also requires a little understanding. This list is for all the subjects related to computer science or IT. If anyone else is looking, then kindly read today’s article.
Today, the discussion is going on about IT vs IT, so let’s go and see the list. I will also explain a little about whether your admission will be in that university or not and what the requirements are.
University List Overview
Okay, so we are here and we have this list. This list has been made for the current winter semester of 2022-23. If you see, some of the universities’ names are given in green color, some in yellow, and some in red.
First of all, if you look at this, this is the name of the university. Along with its ranking, the name of the degree is given and its deadline is also written here. The entry requirements include that an aptitude test is required. C1 means intake is required, and the minimum CGPA requirement is also written here.
This is the grade in German, the German CGPA, and the city. Their admission type is restricted or non-restricted. What is restricted means there are limited seats. For example, the university may say that we have 20 seats, and those who are top 20 students will get admission. Non-restricted means the university states its requirements, and as many students as meet those requirements will be given admission.
How to apply is also written, whether you want RE or not, and the fee is also written. This fee is the contribution fee you have given to the university. Along with it, study focus is written, and whether good deferred is possible or not is written, and the application status is accepted.
Application Status Explanation
Now, this is the list. Its application status is accepted. I will tell you this in a minute. The most important thing is that there is a link here. This program is written by the university. You will just click on this link, and you will go to the university’s website. I have made a video explaining how to search for universities. This link will take you directly to DAD’s website, where all the requirements mentioned here and which are not mentioned here are also included in this list.
We have emailed the university, and it has been ordered from there and then added to this list because there are some things which are not mentioned on the website. The official link of the university can verify this information, and you can do your own research. You will get the requirements on the link of this university.
Now, let’s go to the application status. If you look here, you will see accepted in green and something in yellow. Rejected will be found in red.
For this, we come to the bottom, where we have written some explanation. This list is created to show admission or rejection. Whether someone has got admission or rejection due to CGPA or any other reason, or whether he has got acceptance or has attached additional documents with this CGPA, it depends.
The common rule is that if a person whose CGPA was 3.34, he can get admission in those 10 universities. If you have applied to many universities and got admission in 10, then the one which is green means that with this CGPA, you can also get admission in those universities.
It does not depend on other factors as well. He has got admission letters from around 10 universities, so all his programs are written, and his status is accepted.
Additional Information on Applications
In yellow, it depends on the applicant. He has said that he has withdrawn the application and could not fill it. Whatever be his reason, it is also written that the date was over, which was not a good option for him. If this can be a good option for you, then you have to do your own research.
Now I will tell you about one or two universities here. If you get to the end here, then University of Ports Dam is there, out of which it got rejected, but I know about this university. This university gives very high CGPA, and also the admission is restricted, so its CGPA is around 3.8 or 3.7.
Finally, you will get one university, Berliner Huxley for Technique. This university is in Berlin and has a lot of admissions; the CGPA is very good. CGPA is highly regarded here.
The requirements etc. and also this data science program is good. If I am saying this, then the merit is high. If your CGPA is low, it is a little less, and you want to come to Berlin, then your below category can be Information Communication Engineer.
I have just added this university to this list, so I think the average pay is around 3.4 or 3.5, depending on the year and the number of applications, but normally admission is done on 3.4 or 3.5, maybe even less.
When I applied for Data Science, my grade was 3.63, and I was the last student to be selected, so it would be somewhere around this 3.63.
Summer Semester Information
Now, this was for the winter semester, but the upcoming semester is the summer semester. I also have a list in which you will find summer universities. If you look in this list, you will find summer universities. The names of these universities are written, their ranking, and then the degree name.
These degree names are very useful. When I started the process of Germany, I could not even know which degrees are being offered in Germany. There are different courses in every country, and here there is a lot of variety.
Here you are given the names of the degrees easily; you just have to put them in the list, and the link of the degrees is given. You just click on the list, and you will get all the requirements on one page.
This list is really useful. Thanks to Hunain Sajid and Majeed here; you will get the minimum CGPS CT, the way I explained it, the link of the university, and the link of DAD. Everything is given, so this is the list.
I will put it on the C drive, and you will get its link in the description of this blog.
That was it for today, and if this blog has helped you in any way, then you can help me in two ways: first, like this blog, and second, subscribe to this channel. You will download it from the description. That was it, so ok see you in the next blog. Goodbye for now.